of “Nord Hazardous Waste” EOOD, UIC 207188546

Adopted by decision of the sole owner sole owner of the capital of “Nord Holding” AD, UIC 200376038, pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).

This Confidentiality Declaration applies to the personal data that “Nord Hazardous Waste” EOOD collects from its clients, stores and processes from with a view to providing its services in its field of activity – carrying out waste collection, storage and treatment activities, commercial activity, commercial representation and mediation, as well as any other activity permitted by law.

“Nord Hazardous Waste” EOOD implements a Personal Data Protection Policy, including data: 

  • collected from you through paper forms completed by you personally and/or through your representative at our regional offices; 
  • collected through e-mail correspondence when concluding contracts and other methods of collecting personal data permitted by law; 
  • collected online.

This Confidentiality Declaration informs you about the practices applied by “Nord Hazardous Waste” EOOD regarding personal data protection, including your rights when we collect the data by one or more of the methods mentioned above. 

In case you have any objections regarding the method of collection, processing or storage of personal data applied by “Nord Hazardous Waste” EOOD, at the website or at its offices, do not provide your personal data by any of the methods mentioned above. 

General information 

Scope of activity:

 “Nord Hazardous Waste” EOOD, UIC 207188546, carries out activities in the collection, storage and treatment of waste, commercial activity, commercial representation and mediation, as well as any other activity permitted by law. 

In the process of collecting, storing and processing personal data provided by you, “Nord Hazardous Waste” EOOD complies with the provisions of a number of normative acts and rules governing the manner of carrying out such activities, the purposes and limits of application. 

The regulatory framework includes, but is not limited to, Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA), as well as the by-laws issued based on them. 

What kind of personal data do we collect?

“Nord Hazardous Waste” EOOD collects personal data from its clients, where the personal data is expressly stated by the law and/or required for the conclusion of certain types of contracts for the settlement of the clauses therein. 

In the event that we need to collect personal data from you, and this personal data is not explicitly stated as mandatory by law, but “Nord Hazardous Waste” EOOD deems it necessary to be provided by you when settling our mutual interests, the Company undertakes to inform you clearly and unambiguously about it. 

Video surveillance of the facilities

“Nord Hazardous Waste” EOOD implements video surveillance on the territory of its facilities for the purpose of their protection, as well as protection of available assets.

The Company has taken all necessary technical and organisational measures to protect your privacy during video recording.

The records are stored and destroyed regularly according to the legal rules and in compliance with the internal instructions, which do not contradict the law. 

Cookies and other technologies

“Nord Hazardous Waste” EOOD uses cookies and other passive tracking technologies to collect information from you when you interact with our website. Information about what cookies are and how they work can be found in our Cookie Policy. Every visitor to our website has the right to stop tracking with the use of cookies at any time by blocking them in the settings of the browser they use. 

Data collection from other sources 

“Nord Hazardous Waste” EOOD may collect data about you from other sources, not prohibited by law, in order to provide you with quality services. By “data from other sources” we refer to the collection of information by our partners (in case you have agreed this information to be provided), as well as publicly available information. 

Information collected from other sources may include: 

  • contact details – when contacting you, the Company undertakes to inform you where it obtained your details; 
  • publicly available data about individuals representing your organisation. 

“Nord Hazardous Waste” EOOD collects any other publicly available information only when there is a declaration from the person that they give their consent to share it with the Company. 

Why do we collect personal data and what do we use it for? 

Each of you has the right to decide whether and how to use the services provided by “Nord Hazardous Waste” EOOD, in its capacity as a Trader and/or when carrying out waste collection and transportation activities in accordance with the Waste Management Act. 

In the forms used by “Nord Hazardous Waste” EOOD for collecting personal data (in their electronic or paper version) the mandatory or voluntary nature of the provided data is indicated. 

Without the provision of mandatory data, it is impossible for us to provide the specific service and/or parts of it. We rely on the fact that these are the minimum data required by law to regulate our activity. 

a) Using services provided by “Nord Hazardous Waste” EOOD is possible only after providing the minimum required personal data in accordance with the application of the provisions of the WMA and related by-laws: three names and a permanent address as shown on the ID card. 

Although, according to the current regulations in Bulgaria, these data are defined as minimally required, “Nord Hazardous Waste” EOOD requires from its clients also: national identification number, phone number and email address. 

The national identification number is necessary information when establishing the relationship between us in view of the absolute and indisputable identification of each of the parties. This is entirely in your interest as a user of our services. 

The contact data collected by us is required in order to quickly and easily make contact in case of need for assistance from our side in the future, as well as to notify you of significant market changes and/or of changes in the prices and conditions of the services offered .

b) Workers and employees of “Nord Hazardous Waste” EOOD enter into an employment relationship with the Company in its capacity as an employer completely voluntarily. To establish an employment relationship between the parties, an employment contract is concluded. The procedure requires the submission of a minimum set of documents and provision of personal data according to the current labor legislation in Bulgaria, including: 

  • CV and cover letter; 
  • ID document – for reference; 
  • Documents proving the level of acquired education, specialty, qualification, legal capacity, scientific title/degree, when they are required for the position and/or the specifics of the job the person is applying for; 
  • Documents proving acquired work experience in the specialty – when such are required for the position and/or for the specifics of the job the person is applying for; 
  • Medical examination document, required upon initial employment, as well as in case of suspension of employment for a period of more than 3 months; 
  • Criminal record certificate in cases where the law and/or a regulatory act requires the certification of a criminal record. 

Your consent and our legitimate interest

Apart from the cases in which “Nord Hazardous Waste” EOOD collects your personal data on the grounds of law, contract, legitimate interest or for the purpose of protecting your interests, we shall ask for your express consent. Your data shall be used according to the specific purposes for which you have given your consent. In case you would like to change your mind, you have the right to withdraw your consent. 

If there is a need to collect your personal data due to our legitimate interest or with a view to preserving vital interests, “Nord Hazardous Waste” EOOD will inform you in a timely manner and explain your rights. 

If you locate an illegitimate interest in the collection of your personal data by “Nord Hazardous Waste” EOOD, you have the right to object to this. In this case, we will take additional measures and inform you further, incl. by providing you with our reasons, within 1 month of the objection received by you. 

Disclosure of data to third parties

“Nord Hazardous Waste” EOOD discloses personal data to third parties only in the following cases: 

  • To institutions, government and/or other bodies, in case we are legally obliged to do so; 
  • To persons who maintain the equipment, software and hardware that the Company uses to process personal data when building the network; 
  • To employees of the Company who are engaged in the processing of your personal data with a view to establishing partnership, employment or commercial relations; 
  • To other persons performing services in various fields, supporting the main activity of “Nord Hazardous Waste” EOOD

“Nord Hazardous Waste” EOOD implements all necessary measures and obliges all third parties who in one way or another gain access to your data to comply with the established rules according to the Personal Data Protection Policy of “Nord Hazardous Waste” EOOD

Additional data protection measures

“Nord Hazardous Waste” EOOD collects, stores and processes personal data, complying with all legal requirements and applying adequate technical and organisational security measures. If necessary, the Company uses additional mechanisms, such as encryption, pseudonymisation and others, in the processing, transfer and storage of personal data. 

For what period (term) do we store your personal data? 

Personal data provided to “Nord Hazardous Waste” EOOD are stored according to the terms established in the current regulations. These terms may be different depending on the purposes for which the data is collected. 

If this period (term) cannot be established by law, “Nord Hazardous Waste” EOOD stores your personal data for a reasonable period, determined on the basis of additional criteria. The latter are consistent with our desire to provide you with high-quality services and the development of partner relations in mutual interest.

Thus, in any future relationships after the expiration of the concluded contract, much less action will be required on your part to re-provide them. In the event that your data is no longer necessary for the purposes applied, the Company deletes or destroys them in due course.

Right to receive information

Every client has the right to receive at any time information about the personal data that “Nord Hazardous Waste” EOOD stores and processes for them, as well as for what purposes the Company does so. The Company will provide you with this information within a period of no longer than 1 month.

Your right of access can be exercised by sending an access request to “Nord Hazardous Waste” EOOD. In very rare cases, due to technical limitations or other emergency situations, the Company may not be able to provide you with the requested access within the specified period, of which you will be promptly notified. 

Right to editing in case of errors and/or updating of personal data 

At any moment, you have the right to ask “Nord Hazardous Waste” EOOD to edit the personal data initially submitted by you and/or to update it when you find that an error has been made and/or some change has occurred in them. 

You can send your request for access to your personal data that the Company processes, as well as submit correction/update information, by one of the following means: 

Other rights 

Regarding the work with your personal data according to the legal regulations, in addition to the rights listed above, you also have the right to: 

  • request deletion of your personal data; 
  • request the restriction of the processing of your personal data for a certain period of time; 
  • object to the processing of your personal data if you believe that this is being done unlawfully; 
  • data portability. 

The rights mentioned depend on the reason for which we process your data. In some cases, “Nord Hazardous Waste” EOOD is required by law to store your data. This means that there is a possibility that one and/or several of your rights will not be satisfied by the Company. If, for example, you would like us to delete personal data that we are required by law to keep for a certain period, we would not be able to permanently delete it from our systems. 

If you have any questions, please contact our employees: 

  • for assistance in exercising the rights guaranteed by law;
  • to obtain further information about your legal rights. 

You can be sure that “Nord Hazardous Waste” EOOD strives to satisfy your requests when they are reasonable and permissible, observing the statutory deadlines. In very rare cases, these deadlines may be extended, but not beyond the maximum term permitted by law. 

Right to file a complaint

You have the right to file a complaint when you believe that your rights regarding personal data have been violated. 

You can submit reports to us so we can check your case by sending us a letter on paper to this address: Sofia 1220, Post Box 33, 1 Elov dol Str., or an e-mail to: sec-01@nordholding.bg

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Commission for Personal Data Protection, which has the following contact details: 

  • Post address:  Sofia 1592, “Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov Str. 
  • Information and contacts centre – tel. 02/91-53-518.

Update/renewal of this Confidentiality Declaration

This Confidentiality Declarationis reviewed and updated regularly with a view to ensuring transparency, clarity and accuracy regarding the mechanisms for the collection, storage and processing of personal data that we apply. In this way, “Nord Hazardous Waste” EOOD strives to cover all innovations and changes related to this legal aspect of its activity.

Date of last update of this Confidentiality Declaration- May 2023.